Welcome to the Docu-Train website.
DOCU-TRAIN is a technical writing and education company
which provides managerial, technical and end-user assistance
in system development and implementation. We help companies
who need to provide their customers and employees with a
smooth transition to new technology.
more . . .
Phase I: Research
1. Concept Summary
2. Feasibility Study
a. Log of Events/Tasks
b. Time Study
c. Process Comparison
d. Hardware/Software
e. Cost Analysis
f. Project Schedule
1. Business Requirements
2. Functional Overview
3. Wire Frames
4. Design Specifications
1. Quality Assurance Testing
2. Test Data
Phase IV: Implementation
1. User Documentation
a. Reference Manuals
b. Tutorials
c. Quick Reference Guides
d. Keyboard Templates
e. Help Screens
2. System Documentation
3. User Training
a. Lesson Plans
b. Training Materials
c. Training Videos
4. Marketing Materials
a. Logos
b. Brochures
c. Advertisements
d. Public Announcements